carlo schmitz

  • Born in 1959, carlo is a caricaturist working for the magazine forum; he was an art teacher at the Lycée de Garçons Esch/Alzette.

    Studied at the Académie royale des Beaux-Arts in Brussels and at the Institut d’Arts plastiques in Strasbourg. 

    In 1977, carlo starts drawing for the weekly paper Revue. From 1985 until the mid-nineties, he regularly publishes his works in the magazine forum, a task he takes up again in 2010. His socio critical drawings are a good fit for this magazine, covering social topics without taking political sides. carlo’s caricatures do not necessarily illustrate and reflect the message of a text or article; they allow for an independent „reading“.

    His artistic influences are numerous: Bosch, Daumier, Grosz, Dix, Ungerer etc. To this group of figures he also adds his colleague and friend François Didier.

    carlo sees art as a means to disrobe and expose reality, often times unveiling the absurd.

    Humoristic or not, carlo always considers his caricatures as an important and educational tool to convey information in the everlasting fight against obscurantism.

    Individual and group exhibitions in Luxembourg, Berlin, Gabrovo, Warsaw, Kyoto, Knokke-Heist and Beringen.

    Drawings in private collections and museums in Poland, Czech Republic, Lithuania, Japan and Luxembourg.

published books

  • D’Glühschwéngchen

    together with Nora WAGENER and Luc CAREGARI, Editions Op der Lay (2016)

  • D’Hoogen-Stoogen Tulp

    together with Robert SCHOFIELD, Editions Guy Binsfeld (2013)

  • DUDA – Kurioses aus dem Rotstiftmilieu

    together with Roland HARSCH, Editions Guy Binsfeld (2011)

  • Musikalische Federspiele

    together with Roland HARSCH, Editions Collection APESS (1996)

  • Commedia dell’Arte

    together with Michel RAUS, Editions Publications mosellanes (1994)

drawings for books

  • Editions Fondation Robert Krieps

    Impôts et justice sociale au Luxembourg: les éléments-clé pour une future réforme (2021)

  • Editions Op der Lay

    Eng Rees am Krees, e Buch fir de Robert Gollo STEFFEN (2019)

  • Editions Phi

    Dekagonon, Carla LUCARELLI (2016)

  • Editions Fondation Servais pour la littérature luxembourgeoise

    Wat ass wäiss a kënnt vun zwou Säiten, plaquette du 15.anniversaire (2005)

  • Editions Collection APESS

    PARODIES... und DAS, Roland HARSCH (2004)

    Laub und Nadel, Roland HARSCH (2000)

    Chroniques Rêves et Ergotages, Nic. KLECKER (1998)

    Kalendarium für geplagte Stadt- und Landleut, Roland HARSCH (1997)

    Satiren & Glossen II, Henry GELHAUSEN (1997)

    Satiren & Glossen, Henry GELHAUSEN (1994)

  • Editions Cahiers Luxembourgeois

    Méi wéi honnert Pärelen, Pir KREMER (1995)

contributions in

  • Editions

    60 Illustrators of Luxembourg (2020)

    Humoristic Luxembourg, 31 portraits de cartoonistes contemporains (2017)

  • Editions / Mouvement écologique

    Branded Nation, cartoons & illustrations (2018)

  • Editions Biergerinitiative

    D’Fanger ewech vun den 3 Eechelen (1991)

  • Editions Oeko Fonds

    Cartoons contra Cattenom (1986)


  • 200 Joër DICKS

    Visual concept in memory of Luxembourg's national poet Edmond de la Fontaine (1823-1891), also known as DICKS (2013)


  • Hôtel Numéro 25

    CD-booklet and visual concept for Ska-Punk Band "The Disliked" (2015)


  • Zeichnerische Streitzüge durchs Zwergenland

    Satirischer Abend, Karlsruher Bücherschau (2014)
